Belén López de Andrés

Belén defines herself as a person who is passionate about accompanying others in the search for their Greatness, a competence that she has developed throughout her life from different areas. In her own words: “as a woman, mother and professional, I have been able to put into play in many moments of my life this possibility of helping others to display their Greatness”.

Belén was trained as a Business Administrator and Coach. She also has a Master in Educational Accompaniment and a Master in Education and International Cooperation and is certified in MBTI, BELBIN methodology and in DISC and motivators.

Currently she works professionally as a consultant, university professor, trainer, mentor and coach, in different companies and institutions. For twenty-five years, she has been focused on facilitating the growth and development of people and organizations, under the belief that better people always make better organizations.

She works from a positive approach, always trying to enhance the strengths and resources of people to generate change processes oriented towards the search for their Greatness.

She is the creator and promoter of the PROYECTO GRANDEZA, with which she intends: “to extend this philosophy to as many people as possible, to help paint the world green.”